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Webinar 17 Jun 2020
Informasi Webinar: ‘Apakah peralatan simulasi dapat menjadi laboratorium pengujian masa depan?’
Selama Webinar ini berlangsung akan ada tim teknis dari kami yang standby di WA grup untuk menfasilitasi, berdiskusi bersama, saling bertukar informasi, pengetahuan, dll terkait topik yang ada, Bapak/Ibu juga dapat mengirim pertanyaan via WA grup.
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High Volt Technology Received ISO Certificates
High Volt Technology was finally awarded with ISO 9001:2008; ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18000:2007 certification. Our company growth is earned by understanding our customers need and by [...]
PT. High Volt Technology Has a Health and Safety Experts
The companies concern in terms of safety and health as well as to improve the competence of the company's work for Indonesian region make High Volt Technology sent some of its employee [...]
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