HV Test for Cable
The test system is able to perform tests on cables of all classes and all types of insulation according to IEC 60502 – 2 : 2014, IEC 60840 : 2011 and IEC 62067 : 2011.
The test system operates in a frequency range from 20 Hz to 300 Hz. The operation at 300 Hz is related to the operation without cables for checking the test system. For usual cable length, the frequency is between 30 Hz and 100 Hz, this means “near to power frequency”. The test system with one reactor is designed for tests up to 260 kV and 83 A. The modular design allows several test systems to be connected in series (when higher test voltages are required) or in parallel (when higher test currents are required). The test can be combined with PD measurement on cable joints and terminations after 30 Hz: and 100 Hz.
Generally the test system can be set up on-site within a short period of time. There is no special “lifting” or “assembly”. A standard three-phase diesel generator can be used for the feeding of the test system.
The variable frequency test system is designed for:
1. HV quality acceptance testing after the cable has been installed (after laying).
2. Diagnostic testing after service-ageing.
3. Testing after repair or maintenance.
The test system has been mounted on a trailer, which facilitates for easy and frequent transport, assembly, and operation. Generally the test system can be set up on-site within one hour.There is no need for additional lifting or assembly. A standard three-phase diesel generator can be used for the feeding of the test system.

(+62 21) 2128 2204
Office 88 Tower Lt. 32
Kota Kasablanka
Jl. Casablanca Raya Kav.88
Jakarta Selatan – 12870 Indonesia
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