HISAC Ultima CB Dynamic Test Set
HISAC Ultima – new generation Circuit Breaker Dynamic Test Set from SCOPE …. The ultimate solution for testing Circuit Breakers of all types. HIASC Ultima is the most complete analyser for checking the dynamic performance of CBs in live EHV switchyards upto 765 kV.
HISAC Ultima can carry out Dynamic Contact Resistance Measurement on SIX breaks of THREE poles in one operation thereby significantly reducing stress on CB & testing downtime.
It offers flexibility to create pre-programmed Test Plans including all test settings for all types of circuit breakers available in a switchyard that can simply be recalled at the time of actual testing. This saves you from doing all settings in switchyards.
The Analysis software offers a range of utilities which enables effective Condition Monitoring of CB by comparing present test data with previous signatures and predicting future performance.